Jacobo Bielak (Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburgh, USA) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010
| Pierre-Yves Bard (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010
Jozef Kristek, Martin Galis and Tomotaka Iwata (Kyoto University, Japan) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010
| Emmanuel Chaljub, Jozef Kristek and Peter Franek looking at the results of numerical simulation of seismic motion in the Mygdonian Basin during E. Chaljub's visit to Bratislava (French-Slovak bilateral project), Mar. 31, 2010
A tribute to Tomotaka Iwata: Jozef Kristek and Peter Moczo enjoying sushi in San Francisco during the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 18, 2009.
| Chateau Cadarache, Oct. 30, 2009