Jacobo Bielak (Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburgh, USA) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010

Pierre-Yves Bard (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010

Jozef Kristek, Martin Galis and Tomotaka Iwata (Kyoto University, Japan) during the final meeting of the E2VP - Cashima Project in Chateau Cadarache, June 4, 2010

Emmanuel Chaljub, Jozef Kristek and Peter Franek looking at the results of numerical simulation of seismic motion in the Mygdonian Basin during E. Chaljub's visit to Bratislava (French-Slovak bilateral project), Mar. 31, 2010

A tribute to Tomotaka Iwata: Jozef Kristek and Peter Moczo enjoying sushi in San Francisco during the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union,
Dec. 18, 2009.

Chateau Cadarache, Oct. 30, 2009