(from right) Steven M. Day (SDSU, San Diego), Jozef Kristek and Peter Moczo in Mel's Drive, San Francisco, Dec. 7, 2005

Erik Sänger (Freie Universität, Berlin) and Jozef Kristek in Peter Moczo's office, Sep. 23, 2005

Steven M. Day (SDSU, San Diego) and Jozef Kristek in Peter Moczo's office, Aug. 31, 2005

Andrea Bizzarri (INGV, Bologna) giving the seminar on June 10, 2005

Jean Paul Ampuero (ETH, Zürich) explaining the SBIEM in Peter Moczo's office, May 19, 2005

Antonio Rovelli (INGV, Rome) at the Centennial Seismology Day, March 20, 2002