Participants of the Phase 1 Meeting of the Cashima Project, Seyssins (near Grenoble), France, Nov. 14, 2008

Pierre-Yves Bard and Lenka Kubisova at the official dinner of the Phase 1 Meeting of the Cashima Project, Seyssins (near Grenoble), France, Nov. 13, 2008

Peter Moczo, Seiji Tsuno, Emmanuel Chaljub and Pierre-Yves Bard at LGIT Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Nov. 10, 2008

Emmanuel Chaljub, Seiji Tsuno, Jozef Kristek and Pierre-Yves Bard at LGIT Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Nov. 10, 2008

Peter Moczo, Jacobo Bielak and Jozef Kristek at the 2008 SCEC annual meeting in Palm Springs, Sep. 9, 2008

Steve Day, Jozef Kristek and Jennifer Stevens discussing the time-frequency misfits and goodness-of-fit criteria at the 2008 SCEC annual meeting in Palm Springs, Sep. 9, 2008